Overall concept, editing, design and realisation — 188 pages — 12.2020 — blocher partners

Under the sign of change

In 2020, many things have turned out differently than we had imagined, many things we could never have imagined or wanted to imagine. The world seems to be upside down, and with it the longing for orientation and participation, for transparent and comprehensible decisions, is growing. In terms of content and form, this yearbook, which for us is not always just a retrospective, but also a perspective, is marked by the changes that the year brought, the changes in perspective that occurred, the reflections that were stimulated.

So this book has become a very personal one. A kind of logbook that tells of our journey in times of lockdown. It takes us through a strategy process with which we want to carry our design into the future, through projects that we were nevertheless able to complete or even start, and it leads us to the topic of sustainability. A value that we have not only been living since this year, but whose importance we have become all the more aware of these days. If we have addressed nature and sustainability in every respect with colour, paper and printing, the design of the book, its graphics and typography, expresses the theme of transparency and insight - "Inside Out" is therefore also the title.

But in particular, the book is about people - our builders and our colleagues. All those who have accompanied the journey and made it possible. On the content level, we let long-standing partners speak in interviews and give insights into the culture of our office and the everyday life of our employees. All of them have shown this year what Albert Einstein already knew: "In every difficulty lives the possibility."

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