
sustainability consulting – for future-oriented buildings

Sustainable building and ESG

Sustainability consulting at a glance:

  • ESG strategy, consulting & verification
  • Energy and subsidy consulting
  • Portfolio, project & potential analyses
  • Sustainability certification
  • Life cycle analyses & cost calculation
  • Training & workshops

Shaping the built environment for the future

Expert knowledge for ESG-compliant buildings:

Sustainable construction is existential for us as a company and therefore for the planning and realisation of our projects. In order to meet this need in detail, we thus founded blocher partners sustain. In doing so, we are further expanding the expertise of our transdisciplinary planning office. In parallel to the internal and professional strengthening of the blocher partners brand, we offer consulting services on the subject of sustainable construction on the market. While strengthening the blocher partners brand internally and professionally, we also offer independent consulting services on all aspects of sustainable construction.

Our services range from initial analyses and concepts to the certification of sustainable and ESG-compliant properties and neighbourhoods. In the knowledge that sustainable planning and construction begins by assessing the requirements — i.e. service phase 0 — and continues right through to the dismantling of buildings, our team is already consulting on many of the firm’s projects. With the help of sustainability consulting, this life cycle of buildings is to be strengthened in future and opened up to building owners, project developers and investors.

Our expert Pascale Hein

»With the diverse, complex topics and interdependencies of sustainable construction, we are expanding our transdisciplinary approach to include a
holistic view of real estate over its entire life cycle. The focus here is on the interactions across the three pillars of sustainability that individual decisions entail. There is not always just one way to achieve more sustainable buildings, but it is important to find a balance between ecological, economic and social goals for each individual project.

The future of construction must change, which is why our services are aimed both internally and externally. Because only together can we build a sustainable future. Our goal is to make the built environment sustainable and fit for the future. Through targeted analyses, consulting, certification and training on all aspects of construction and existing buildings, we can generate and disseminate relevant knowledge.

And best of all: by working together with all disciplines within the company, we can implement the resulting strategies purposefully and without significant friction losses.«

Start into the future with us and put sustainable building into practice!

Sustainably consulting

blocher partners sustain ensures that sustainability strategies are applied and implemented within the company – from certifications and tenders to the materials database. In order to optimise ongoing projects, we also provide support with project work. This includes setting up an internal training schedule.

We also offer external consultancy services, for example to identify the key sustainability levers in a particular project or to determine which certifications are applicable. We also want to use workshops to foster a change in mindset towards greater sustainability. With our analysis tools, we support the entire project process, exploring the potential of buildings from planning to operation, or draw up climate road maps and life cycle assessments. We also offer energy and funding consultation services.

Added value for existing buildings

By providing advice at portfolio level, we begin even before the planning stage. For the first time, property owners are shown the measures needed to achieve ESG compliance across their entire portfolio. These analyses, whether at the level of an entire portfolio or a single building, illustrate areas of conflict as well as scope for action, for which we can develop solutions together with the planners. Both disciplines benefit from each other in this process.