Overall concept, editing, design and realization — 204 pages — December 2021 — blocher partners

Value and Purpose

Purpose. Rarely has a term turned the world of business so upside down. Today, companies must contribute something to the world, something positive. If you want to make a profit today and tomorrow, you have to think more broadly and ensure in the long term that the foundations of our lives don't slip through your fingers. Prosperity needs a material as well as a spiritual basis: sustainable values. As designers, we see ourselves as having a special responsibility towards the environment and our society. Because we design the most diverse living spaces, create the framework, the space for our togetherness - and, of course, also because since the founding of blocher partners more than 30 years ago, we now employ more than 230 people at four locations.

"Value and Purpose" are the two words we have used as the title of our 2021 Yearbook, which was produced by the communications agency typenraum in collaboration with blocher partners. Seen on a meta level, they stand for the very fundamental question of the "value and purpose" of our actions, but also very specifically for what shaped our year 2021: the joint development of a culture of values that takes into account the upcoming generation change within our company and, far beyond that, forms the basis of all future cooperation. Because: The company grows around the values and the DNA of the motives (purposes) lies in the values. Both generate the "basic framework" of the company and its actions.

In the 2020 Yearbook, we already provided insight into our values process. Now that the values have been finally defined, we want to "present" this result, to create transparency by sharing with the readers of our 2021 Yearbook what forms the basis of our collaboration. This year's Yearbook thus also functions as a mirror of our diverse expertise, but not, however, in the sense of a self-praise, but much more subtly as a kind of demonstration in which self-reflection and, above all, a view of the customer and society are always expressed. The feature part is therefore of a theoretical nature, with the second part showing the transfer into practice via the presentation of the projects.

These self-reflections, stimuli for discourse and honest reflections of our work are framed by an open, recycled gray board in bright red. Sustainability and values, which are described, discussed and presented in their realization inside, connect in this way haptically and graphically for the reader.

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