Overall concept, editing, design and realization — 204 pages — December 2022 — blocher partners

»The Green Book«

»In the green range«, a statement that has become wishful thinking this year at the latest in view of the many crises and events – nevertheless, we have titled our 2022 yearbook »The Green Book«. Especially in these times, there is a need to raise awareness about the situation we find ourselves in and look ahead.

In order to overcome the challenges of tomorrow we need, on the one hand, to have continuity in social processes too, and, on the other, to develop new strategic focusses and specific responsibilities. This applies to our value and strategy process as well as to our projects. In addition to a cross-section of current projects from all areas of our transdisciplinary work, the leitmotif of sustainability resonates in various essays and interviews.

Sustainability, climate change, scarcity of resources, our architecture practice is likewise exposed to the vulnerabilities of the world. But we defy the circumstances and try to react to the events and creatively deal with the challenges. That clearly includes questioning tried-and-true methods.

That's why we close our yearbook with a quote from writer Paulo Coelho: »The world is changed by your example not by your opinion.« Actions speak louder than words. When it comes to making a difference in the world, you should lead by example. Our projects – whether within our company or in architecture – show that we put our commitments, goals, ideas and optimism into action.

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