New store concept for the bicycle specialist Rose — Schicklerstraße 5–7, 10179 Berlin — 670 m² — April 2024 — ROSE Bikes GmbH

Premium bikes on a silver platter

blocher partners has designed the new Rose Bikes store in Berlin. The bikes are displayed on pedestals made of light ash to highlight every detail, while plain white walls and a grey floor set them off perfectly. A café invites customers to relax.

blocher partners has designed a new store in Berlin for Rose Bikes, the manufacturer of premium bikes from Bocholt. On the one hand, this is a new edition of the collaboration on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring in Cologne. On the other hand, it was a completely new task in many respects: whereas back then the premise was that the bikes on display should be used for test rides, in Berlin they are there exclusively for viewing and marvelling at. This meant more design freedom for the interior architecture: we were able to place the bikes on high pedestals made of light-coloured ash so that customers can comfortably examine every technical detail. The bikes look all the more like museum exhibits because we toned down the overall design of the store to let them shine. The walls are white, the floor is grey and the fixtures are simple.
We used the tried-and-tested Multi-Lane, which we developed in cooperation with Visplay, to stage the area with light and partitions. This system of ceiling rails allows maximum flexibility in terms of design. This idea is continued on the walls with Packboards, which also offer a great deal of design freedom with their plug-in system. The Rose store offers a café for customers and the Rose community, as well as for neighbours and people passing by. The fact that the narrow side of the space is mirrored makes everything look particularly spacious and elegant. Here, too, the materials used are light-coloured ash and light-coloured terrazzo. With the Berlin store, we have created a stage on which Rose can shine with its exclusive products.

further projects of Rose Bikes Store Berlin