Conversion and new concept of a shoe and bag department within a fashion store— Marktplatz 28, 94065 Waldkirchen, Germany — 2024 — Modehaus Garhammer GmbH

Catwalk in the Bavarian Forest

An 815 square metre area on the ground floor has been transformed into a premium department for women's shoes and bags. The new department is divided into two levels with a slight difference in height, which are connected by a few steps.

In the shoe area, there is a light grey, fine plaster floor, while the bag area has got a dark parquet. Light grey lacquered, curved rear wall panels give the room a dynamic effect. The steps and a surrounding platform in the lower area are made of dark green marble, which is contrasted with light-coloured oak. Some of the furniture is light green, while others, such as the floor, are light grey or light oak. Plants continue the green theme and create a link to the surrounding Bavarian forest.
One highlight is the surfaces made of a sparkling, shiny silver material, which create strong accents here and there in the room. The crinkled structure refracts the light and the colours of the surroundings, giving the structures clad in this material a sculptural appearance. The lighting concept with shop white light ensures that the merchandise is presented in the best possible light. Lines of light on the ceilings guide customers intuitively through the space.