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blocher partners erweitert Geschäftsführung um zweite Generation
An expansion in two senses: the architect and urban planner Benjamin Blocher will not only complement the management in the future, but also the expertise. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, he is particularly dedicated to the transformation of cities.
Benjamin Blocher will work at the interface between architecture and urban planning at blocher partners. Here he is particularly concerned with the transformation of cities, sustainable planning and thus the holistic life cycle approach to buildings and new building technologies. »These are topics that are close to my heart and that I am convinced will shape the way and where we live, work and spend our leisure time,« says Benjamin Blocher. Transdisciplinarity, design quality, joy in innovation and a clear commitment to the bond with our clients, he says, are values of the company that he wants to develop further in the future with his colleagues and the ten other partners in the management.
Benjamin Blocher, born in 1992, studied architecture at the ETH Zurich and worked for JAHN Chicago and COBE Berlin before joining KCAP Architects & Planners in Zurich as an architect and urban planner. He then joined the planning office founded more than 30 years ago by his parents, interior designer Jutta and architect Dieter Blocher.