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Press conference for the opening of the EmiLu design hotel
We are looking forward to the opening of the EmiLu design hotel on 1 September 2021. At a press conference this Monday, some journalists were able to take a first look at the family-run hotel in the heart of Stuttgart. In addition to the owners and operators of the hotel, the Bräutigam family, our partner and hotel expert Anja Pangerl also answered the journalists' questions.
After winning the façade competition, blocher partners was not only responsible for giving the façade character traits with careful interventions that make the new function as a hotel visible and give the urban space behind the market square an elegant appearance. The interior design also bears the signature of blocher partners, which was developed in close collaboration with the client Petra Bräutigam. "The EmiLu captivates with an emotionality that is very unusual for a hotel. In every corner, you can really feel the passion and attention to detail that went into the planning and design," emphasised Pangerl at the press conference.
While the EmiLu invites tourists and business travellers to a home away from home, it offers Stuttgart residents a new favourite urban spot. In addition to the 90 rooms and suites, the Lennarts Lounge with a view over the entire city and a fitness and wellness area just for hotel guests, the Fritz breakfast restaurant and the new bar run by the Tatti operators, Gian Paolo e Marco, are also deliberately designed to appeal to Stuttgart residents and tourists. The client Michael Bräutigam also expressed his satisfaction with the result at the press conference: "I am incredibly proud. You've never seen a design hotel like this in Stuttgart before."