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Wiebke Ahues leitet Berliner Büro von blocher partners
The Dipl.-Ing. and architect BDA Wiebke Ahues will head the Berlin office of blocher partners with immediate effect. As Director Berlin Office she is responsible for the design and processes of the projects handled there as well as for the further development and profiling of the office. She is particularly passionate about the issue of sustainability - associated with timber construction and timber hybrid construction as well as the reuse and revitalization of the heritage of late modernism.
After her studies at the University of Dortmund and the Technical University of Dresden, Ahues worked as a research assistant for Professor Jörg Springer and as a project manager for Max Dudler, among others. Most recently, she was an associate at David Chipperfield and played a major role in projects such as the conversion and expansion of the mixed-use complex Morland Mixité in Paris and the Nobelcenter in Stockholm.